To know the future of the hydroponic firstly know that WHAT IS HYDROPONIC ? TYPE OF HYDROPONIC FARMING ?
Hydroponic is the type of horticulture and a subset of horticulture, which is a method of growing plant, usually crops without soil by using mineral nutrients solution .
Nutrients used in hydroponic systems may come from a variety of sources, including (but not limited to) fish excreta, duck manure, purchased chemical fertilizers, or artificial nutrient solutions.
The hydroponic farming is the innovating the future of agriculture in following ways :-
1. Hydroponic farming has following advantage over soil grown crops
In hydroponic has high number of advantages over soil grown crop. In hydroponic you can managed the nutrients and pH to the plant and manage the nutrients to the plant. In the hydroponic you can manage the temperature and you can produce twice in well managed hydroponic system. In the hydroponic system no use of the chemical pesticide or herbicide for controlling the weed.
2. Total control over the hydroponic
A farmer have total control over the hydroponic in many ways. They are able to manage the ph in the system. They can decide and manage the nutrients level of the plant that how much level of nutrients is supply tot the plant. In indoor they can manage the temperature and light to the plant to improve the yield. A farmer can grow more plant in a small area and where the soil are too poor for growing such crop. So the farmer has total control of this system.
3. Higher production compared to soil grown crop
In hydroponic system the production of yield is the higher then the soil grown crop . Acc. to study of
NASA the 80% better yield then traditional farming. In hydroponic the plant grew faster then the soil grown and this is proven bu different studies again and again. The reason for higher yield is the total control over the system . They can manage the nutrients in the system.
4. No chemical is used in system
.We know that chemical damaged to the human life and the environment. The pest is attracted to the weaker plant. In hydroponic the nutrients is available to the plants times to times when it needed. so the host become strong and can not attack by the pest. But in some cases in hydroponic there are some weaker plants but not attack by the pest. this seems to be crazy but it is true. Iif you know the reason please comment.
5. Saving money and time
The hydroponic system saves the both time and money. The hydroponic setup is the one time investment. It will save your time for tillage practice weeding and saves money for chemical and implements used in tillage and weeding.
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jai jawan jai kisan
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