Hi, i am Abhishek a student of bsc. Agriculture going to discuss the problem faced by indian farmer during lockdown.
As we all know the agriculture contributes 18% of gdp in indian economy. India is the world largest country for producing agriculture product. Since, highly spread of corona virus pandemic disease the govt. has to take action on lockdown. Seeing the rapid spread of corona virus thr govt. crushed the lockdown. Because their is no medicine of the corona virus. So the lockdown is the best method for the breakage of covid-19 chain.
The coronavirus lockdown will adversely affect the agriculture sector and farmer in india. The sector is facing a lot of trouble with the labour and machinery and transport.
Recently due to hailstrom and heavy rainfall the agriculture sector faced problems of crop damage. And now it is also facing distruption from lockdown. The lockdown hits the both season crop.
Acc. to Food and agriculture orgnisation of united nation, " Agriculture sector is the largest source of the livelihood in india. 70% of the rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for the livelihood, with 82% of the farmer being small and marginal.
Their are many problem faced by the indian farmer are as follow :-
- Firstly the big problem of the shortage of the farm labour. The big land holder doesn't find labour for the harvesting. Most migrant labourers are stuck in big cities or back home in their villages and transport facilities are largely suspended.
- Another major problem faced by the indian farmer is the scarcity of farm machinery due to the complete lockdown the susupended of transport and machinery from one place to other. Due to lockdown the small farmer has to face problem of nachinery.
- There is also a shortage of gunny bags (used for the store the wheat and other crop).
- Ther transportation is the big problem of the farmer to transport the grain from field to mandiis'. Because the mandiia' are closed in sone sector due to corona pendemic disease.
- Due to lockdown the market are closed the farmer had to faced the problem of the storing the wheat. The farmer has not enough space where they store grain for long term.
- The dairy farm also faced big crisis from a lockdown. In some sector they can't find consumer for selling their milk . They also face problem of fodder to the farmer.
There has been already been a delay of 10-15 days in wheat harvesting . A late harvesting cause a lower yield . The farmer also find problems for the seed and fertilizer for kharif season.
Government has taken many steps in the interest of farmers that can help a farmer in this lockdown
The govt. has launch kisaan rath app. This app helps farmer for providing machinery for harvesting and for transportation of the grain .
The govt. has given 2000 rupees in a bank account of farmer under scheme of PM- KISAN for the livlihood for the farmer. The government has taken great care in the interest of farmers.
We have to also support farmer because the farmer are the imp. part of the livlihood they produce food and other agriculture product for us.
Jai hind jai jawan jai kisan
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