No-till farming is an agriculture techniques for growing crops or pasture without disturbing the soil through tillage
No- till or zero tillage also known as direct drilling)
No-tillage can be defined as a system of planting (seeding) croos into soil by opening a narrow slot or trench only of sufficient width and depth to obtain proper seed coverage.
Edwad H. Faukner author of plowman's Folly, had given the idea of no-till or zero till.
For zero till must have crop residue left on field with no till improves the quality of soil.
India is an agricultural country and our farmer brother of this country is heritage. But for the last several years, it is being shown what we are seeing, which is generated by the farmers' fields and the profits are declining. Due to this there are many things like natural wealth like soil, water, air quality is declining. There is one reason for this. Much plowing like farmer brothers do a lot of plowing to make the soil brittle before sowing any crop. This is reducing the quality of soil and fertilizer because the amount of carbon inside the soil is coming down, and it is our prevalent farming, because of this you are consuming a lot of water. Consumption of water. Because of this, our water level is going down in the soil.
It generates carbon dioxide from the soil by plowing. It comes in the air - this increases the temperature.
With the zero till farming the seed requirement for the field is less.
Dry matter and organic matter get added to the soil. Environmentally safe - Greenhouse effect will get reduced due to carbon sequestration. No tillage reduces the compaction of the soil and reduces the water loss by runoff and prevent soil erosion.
Acc. ti Kansas Farm Management Association
(KFMA) the crops has equal or more yield than to other tillage. The Kansas Farm Management Association
(KFMA) program started keeping track of whether a farm is a no-till farm over 5 years ago. This effort started in the central regions first but now all the regions tag farms as no-till whenever all crop production takes place as no-till. There could be some minor exceptions such as a spot compaction abatement but in general, tillage is not used on farms labeled as no-till.
The KFMA program also tracks acres planted to a specific crop and the number of bushes produced. Thus it is easy to calculate a yield per acre for the major Kansas crops (corn,soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum). Since we also know whether a farm is no-till or not, it is straightforward to compare yields for no-till farms versus farms that practice some tillage.
In this paper, yields per acre of corn, soyabeans, wheat, and grain sorghum are compared
across the three regions that have kept track of the tillage status of farms for the last five years. These KFMA regions include: North Central, South Central, and Northeast. There are approximately twice as many farms that are not no-till as there are no-till farms.
The three regions in this paper all have Grain sorghum yields no-till farms had consistently higher yields than tillage farms. Yield advantages ranged from 10 to 30 bushels per acre in the two regions with enough farms for comparison.
They conclude that the yield per acre of corn, soybeans, wheat, and grain sorghum for no-till farms and tillage farms. In nearly every case the average yield from a no-till farm was higher than the average yield from a tillage farm for the same region and crop.
The zero till required less seed . This farming required less fertilizer. No tillage reduces the compaction of the soil and reduces the water loss by runoff and prevent soil erosion.
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