Major reason why Hydroponic farming has advantage over soil grown crops

Hydroponic is the modern technology of the agriculture.  Hydroponic farming in the innovating the future of agriculture  due to following reason. you can start hydroponic farming by investing small amount of money. If you have small area having less fertile soil so you can start hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming has more benefit and more advantage over soil grown crop these are  as follow :- 1.  Faster growing  According to studies hydroponic farming is the 50% faster growing over traditional farming. This is because by providing a constant and available nutrients to the plants regular so it grow faster. this farming also eliminate the herbicide and pesticide. the nutrients are directly given to the plant through water and favorable environment also a major reason of faster growing plant. 2. Better yield According to studies hydroponic farming produces 80% higher yield because you can mange the nutrients and environment condition like temperature, light, mo...

Organic farming

What is organic farming? 

An integrated farming system that strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and biological diversity while, with rare exceptions, prohibiting synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones.

Organic farming is a system that avoids or excludes use of synthetic inputs like pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, etc. and relying on techniques like crop rotation, organic wastes, farm manure, rock additives and crop residues for plant protection and nutrient utilization.

organic farming is relying on the natural process of yield benefits so as to maintain a healthy soil, eat healthy food and grow healthy humans. There is a difference between organic farming and permaculture. The later depends on organic farming but it also includes lifestyle into organic gardening or farming.

Organic farming in india :-

In india, in 2016 the northern state of sikkim achived its goal of converting to 100% organic farming. other state of india, including kerala mizoram goa, rajasthan, and meghalya have also declared their intention to shift organic cultivation. 
The south Indian state Andhara pradesh, is also promoting organic farming. Especially zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) which is a form of regenration agriculture. 

In india the organic agriculture land is 1.7million hactare of the total indian arable land. 

India organic food market grower at 25% to 30%.

The Government of India has implemented the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). The national programme involves the accreditation programme for Certification Bodies, standards for organic production, promotion of organic farming etc. The NPOP standards for production and accreditation system have been recognized by European Commission and Switzerland for unprocessed plant products as equivalent to their country standards. Similarly, USDA has recognized NPOP conformity assessment procedures of accreditation as equivalent to that of US. With these recognitions, Indian organic products duly certified by the accredited certification bodies of India are accepted by the importing countries.


As on 31st March 2018, total area under organic certification process (registered under National Programme for Organic Production) is 3.56 million Hectare (2017-18). This includes 1.78 million ha (50%) cultivable area and another 1.78 million Hectare (50%) for wild harvest collection.

Among all the states, Madhya Pradesh has covered largest area under organic certification followed by Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

During 2016, Sikkim has achieved a remarkable distinction of converting its entire cultivable land (more than 76000 ha) under organic certification.


India produced around 1.70 million MT (2017-18) of certified organic products which includes all varieties of food products namely Oil Seeds, Sugar cane, Cereals & Millets, Cotton, Pulses, Medicinal Plants, Tea, Fruits, Spices, Dry Fruits, Vegetables, Coffee etc. The production is not limited to the edible sector but also produces organic cotton fiber, functional food products etc.


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