Major reason why Hydroponic farming has advantage over soil grown crops

Hydroponic is the modern technology of the agriculture.  Hydroponic farming in the innovating the future of agriculture  due to following reason. you can start hydroponic farming by investing small amount of money. If you have small area having less fertile soil so you can start hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming has more benefit and more advantage over soil grown crop these are  as follow :- 1.  Faster growing  According to studies hydroponic farming is the 50% faster growing over traditional farming. This is because by providing a constant and available nutrients to the plants regular so it grow faster. this farming also eliminate the herbicide and pesticide. the nutrients are directly given to the plant through water and favorable environment also a major reason of faster growing plant. 2. Better yield According to studies hydroponic farming produces 80% higher yield because you can mange the nutrients and environment condition like temperature, light, mo...

organic fertilizer and different type of organic fertilizer used for improving soil health

Organic fertilizer :-

To know about organic fertilizer firstly you should know about WHAT IS ORGANIC FARMING ?
According to Wikipedia , organic fertilizer is derived from animal matter  human matter and vegetable matter naturally occurring fertilizer include animal waste from meat processing peat manure slurry and guano.

A naturally occurring fertilizers  which include manure, slurry, worm casting, seaweeds, and guano and  are naturally enzyme- digested proteins, fish meal and feather meal, decomposing crop residue from prior is another source of fertility.

different type of organic fertilizer :-

There are three main major type of organic fertilizer are :-
  • Animal source
  • plant source 
  • minerals

 1.  Animal source :-

  1. manure
manure are  animal wastes that are used as a source of plant nutrients. animal waste like cow dung and urine. they release  nutrients  after their decomposition. manure improve the fertility of the soil by adding organic matter and lots of nutrients.

major source of manure:-

  • Farmyard manure

farmyard manure refers to the decompose mixture of dung and urine of farm animals . the waste products contains a wealth of nutrients, including the extremely important element that plants need nitrogen.  

It contains 0.5% nitrogen 1% of phosphorus and 0.5% potassium.

farmyard manure is  valuable soil improver which enhance and restores a range of natural properties of the soil; increase soil fertility.

  • Sheep and goat manure
The sheep and goat manure contain a higher nutrients than farmyard manure and compost. the manure refers to the decompose mixture of sheep and goat dung and urine. 

the sheep and goat contains 3% nitrogen ; 1% phosphorus and 2% potassium.

It applied in the field in two ways :- the sweeping of the sheep or goat shed are placed in th pit for decomposition and uses later in the filed .

the second method the waste material kept in th field overnight and mix with field with the cultivator.

  • Poultry manure
the manure consist of the poultry waste . poultry manure contains higher nitrogen and phosphorus compared to the farmyard manure 

the poultry manure consist of 3.03% of nitrogen ,2.63% of phosphorus,and 1.4% of the potassium.

2.  Bone meal

Bone meal is made up of crushed animal bones. it contains phosphorus and calcium and supplies sone nitrogen. It can promote plant seedling growth and increase yield.

3. Fish emulsion:-

the decomposition of fish delivers a big dose of nitrogen. it act as soil conditioner and also be carefull, because it cause acidic to the soil.

2. plant source :-

the plant based fertilizer are those fertilizer which are produced to the decomposition of the plant waste and provide nutrients to the soils
  1. compost
compost is the organic fertilizer which is produced to the decomposition of the kitchen waste and yard waste an helps in the improve soil structure , provide a wide range of nutrients to the soil.
it contains 2% of nitrogen, 0.5% phosphorus and 1% of potassium.

     2.  green manuring  

green undecomposed material used as manure is called green manure . A green manure crops can be cut and them plowed into soil or simply left the ground for an extended period prior to tillage garden areas.
the green manure includes grass mixture and legume plants. 

3. mineral fertilizers ;-

1.Rock phosphate
phosphate is extracted from mineral rocks and clay. it can be used to increase soil acidity and promote plant seedling growth.

2. Green sand

Greensand is an olive -green sandstone containing glauconite. it is rich source of iron, potassium, and magnesium. it aids in the stimulation of flowering and fruition in the fruit trees. and also increase the water content in the soil improve the rhizoshere.

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                                                    BENEFITS OF ORGANIC FARMING


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