Major reason why Hydroponic farming has advantage over soil grown crops

Hydroponic is the modern technology of the agriculture.  Hydroponic farming in the innovating the future of agriculture  due to following reason. you can start hydroponic farming by investing small amount of money. If you have small area having less fertile soil so you can start hydroponic farming. Hydroponic farming has more benefit and more advantage over soil grown crop these are  as follow :- 1.  Faster growing  According to studies hydroponic farming is the 50% faster growing over traditional farming. This is because by providing a constant and available nutrients to the plants regular so it grow faster. this farming also eliminate the herbicide and pesticide. the nutrients are directly given to the plant through water and favorable environment also a major reason of faster growing plant. 2. Better yield According to studies hydroponic farming produces 80% higher yield because you can mange the nutrients and environment condition like temperature, light, mo...

Organic fertilizer : Vermicompost and method of preparation of vermicompost


What is vermicompost ?

Vermicompost is the organic fertilizer which is processed by decomposition of cow dung and kitchen waste with the help of earthworm is called vermicompost.

Vermicompost is earthworm excrement, called casting, which can improve biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil. vermicompost contains water -soluble nutrients and it is an excellent, nutrients- rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner.

According to  Wikipedia , vermicompost is the product of the decomposition process using various species of worms to create a mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and vermicast. This process is called vermicomposting, while the erring of worm for this purpose is called vermiculture. 

species that are widely used in vermicompost:-

1. Red wiggler = Eisenia fetida

2. white worm = Enchytraeus buchholzi

Method of preparation of vermicompost:-

Materials required for preparation

  • water
  • cow dung
  • roof
  • soil and sand
  • gunny bags
  • earthworm
  • weed biomass
  • neem leaf (optional)
  • vermi-bed or plastic sheet 
  • a bucket for collecting vermi-wash
Before installing, the vermi-bed or plastic sheet on the surface make the surface clean and completely plane and equal and also keep a slope of 4-5 inches so that whenever we want to collect vermi-wash it is easy to collect  vermi wash for use in field as insecticides. if you are using vermi-bed , then you have to need poles to support vermi-bed from boundaries so that vermi -bed will remain stable after inserting material.  if you  are using plastic sheet then you have to make boundaries from all side to maintain moisture content in the compost. To insert a vermi-bed remember that the outlet of vermi-wash should be sloped  side so the vermiwash is easily collect a one point.

After installing the vermi bed and plastic sheet put a layer of the crop residue like straw and dried leaf you also used neem leaf too. make a layer of 5-6 inch of the crop residue and kitchen waste. and suplly water in the layer to maintain the mositure. you should maintain moiture about 50-60% in the composting.  


if you are using red wiggler and white worm then no need to put soil or sand in the composting because these earthworm eats only 90% of the carbonic matter and only 10% soil . 

If you are using native earthworm in the composting then you can add soil in the composting because the native earthworm can eat 90% of the soil matter and only 10% carbonic matter.

After first layer now its turn to add cow dung layer in the vermi-bed. Remember that while putting the cow dung must be 10 -15 days old or cow dung must be cold. The cow dung layer must be 5-6 inches layer on the crop residue . Remember that the vermi-bed must be filled upto 1.5 feet. and small hole is done in all boudries so the air can pass to he worm because the earthworm can not suruvive at high temperture . the optimum temprature for surviving the earthworm is 30-40 degree. water temperature should be maintained about 50-60% water should be given after every third day according to the climate.

The vermicompost process  should be done under shade. after putting a layer of cow dung now put a layer of earthworm in the process remember that putting of earthworm in the bed shoud be done in a sprinkler or spread earhtworm all over the bed because the earthworm eat waste material in downward they go eating waste material from upward portion to the downward . If u put a earthwor in on place they go eating downward and make compost in one portion so spread earthworm  all over for benefit.

after putting the layer of earthworm cover the earthworm from dried leaves and u also used neem leaves for bedding and cover with the straw or jute bag cover the beeding proper and sprinkle water on the top portion because in the dark earthworm perform better. This process should be done under shade and shelter. provide proper water to the bed .

The compost will be prepare around 50-60 days.  the vermi compost is used as fertilizer where as vermi wash also use as a insecticide. 1 litre of the vermi-wash mix with the  1 litre of cow urine and dissolve with 10 litre of water and sprayed in the field and to the fruits. it is act as a insecticide.

            Eat Clean and Green , Eat Organic .





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